
Prof. Vittorio Villa is full professor of Legal Philosophy at the University of Palermo. He has worked at Palermo University since 1973, the year in which he received a scholarship from Palermo Law Faculty. After having been researcher (from 1-8-80) and associate professor (from 1-11-87), since 1-9-2000 he is full professor. For six years he was the director of the Department of “studi su politica, diritto e società”. Currently he is the President of a five-year degree course in Jurisprudence (“Corso di laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza), Agrigento branch. In addition to holding the course in Legal Philosophy in Palermo, he also holds two courses in “Legal Methodology”, one in Palermo and the other in Agrigento.
Vittorio Villa has spent a period or research at the University of Edinburgh (from June 83 to October 83), due to a scholarship of the Italian National Research Centre (CNR); he has been also a visiting professor at the same University (July 1996). He is on the editorial board of the review Ragion pratica.